Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White. These popular fairy tales have a history beyond the Disney movies that made them popular world-wide. They have first been published in 1812 as part of a collection known as Grimms’ Fairy Tales. Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm – known as Grimm brothers. It is interesting however that the Grimms …
Tag: Leipzig
Via Regia Impressions: Hail Mary
Late December is not an appealing time of the year to go outside for a walk. The days are very short and the weather is often overcast, taking away even more light. Snow is rare and the scenery therefore mostly brown and gray. I still feel that it is worth getting outside and enjoy nature …
Via Regia Impressions: Napoleon’s Bench
Traffic on the main street of Salmünster is reduced to a few cars of the local people as a result of the freeway and the modernized road that is avoiding the historic center. A large number of the buildings along the main street are either half-timbered houses or have their walls covered with wooden shingles …
Via Regia Impressions: The Stundensäule
Just where the commercial zone ended at the outskirts of the village, the road became optimized for car traffic. While there were sidewalks all along the road within the limits of the long stretched settlement of Aufenau, here were only crash barriers. Cars rushed along the modern road at or above the allowed limit of …
Walking the Via Regia – Frankfurt to Leipzig
What does a centuries-old road through the heart of Germany look like today? This is what I want to find out in the next couple of months, when I walk from Frankfurt to Leipzig on a route that is known as the Via Regia. History of the Via Regia For centuries the Via Regia was …